Tuesday, May 06, 2014

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

A few of the big boys missing today but HuRTS #1 Tucks and HuRTS wannabe #3 CT more than made up in quality what we lacked in quantity.  MC had his usual posse, Dad to be Phil Dove was looking like Adonis and Charlie had shed his traffic lights so all was well with the world.

I planned to cruise the reps and push the hills trying to engage the glutes.  Fine on first rep (2.8km - about 3.30s).  Much quicker on rep 2 with CT taking off (about 3:22's).  I pushed rep 3 feeling great in about 3:20's then decided to ease off on rep 4 as I knew I was tiring from the weekends efforts - about 3:38s.

Good banter, nice session.  3km warm down for 15km all up.

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