Monday, April 28, 2014

Makeshift Monday

Sunday - rest.  I contemplated a run and then quickly dismissed such foolery.

Monday - 7km solo but bumped into LJ and ran with her whilst we bemoaned our respective achilles' then 15+km with the squad (Tucks, Charlie, TKS, Renee, Erika, BW, JW, James L, Adam and even Crossy for a bit) then 4+km solo for about 27km all up.  Felt dead easy and averaged about 4:25's but achilles sore running in the Wave Riders.

1 comment:

  1. I was running behind you bemoaning my own injuries mate but (and don't take this the wrong way) you might not get injured if you had a bit more meat on your legs. A few times the breeze blew and you were struggling to hold your line!!
