Monday, March 24, 2014

Curl Curl Parkrun - 5th in 16:25

Can't be many Parkrun's where 16:25 only gets you 5th!  Jogged over with Macca and Ben with the glutes still sore to meet CT, Robin Whiteley and Barts all doing strides looking serious.  And then Scotty O shows up.  My plan was to stay in front of Ireland's new #1 and figured the best way to achieve that was to go out hard with the front runners and try to hold on as long as possible.  Well, they went out very hard with CT leading in 3:01 and I guess I was about 3:08 or 3:09 with Scotty and Macca tracking me.  This way it stayed (Macca's distinctive stride and heavy breathing lets you know exactly where he is at all times) until the little hill on Harbord Rd where Scotty goes in front and Macca drops off.  Ran with Scotty to the bridge with 500m to go.  He immediately bursts ahead and I think he's gone too early but he holds on for a 4s lead closing in on CT.

Great run by an in form Barts for the win in 15:55.  CT improves again to 16:11.  I was pretty happy with my time given how the legs were. But run of the day to Macca.

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