Monday, December 09, 2013

No swim

Same as last week with a morning jog along Curly beach with Mags and Bec (including a dip in South Curl Curl pool) and then 20km over lunch - same route.  Did it in 1:23:56 this week though (4:11's) but I think I underestimated the humidity wearing all black.  Felt nauseous and light headed this arvo.  So much so I missed swim squad.

Will have to get out tomorrow.

Bought new bike.  Very excited.


  1. tell us about the bike?
    What was your rational for buying it?

  2. Dave - get fitted and take delivery on Thursday. Rationale was wanting to do more cross fit stuff while I'm easing off the running for a couple of months - potentially with a view to doing a tri next year. Really enjoying the riding with Macca, Ben, Sammy et al.

  3. Why did you get the bike you did Tom?
