Friday, November 01, 2013

Pussy 400's

Was gonna give up.  Then Timmy (of all people) sent a text exhorting "Get 'em Done" which was a call to arms and set me on my way.  But from then on it was shite:

72, 73, 72, 71, 71. 72, 72, 72, 72, 72

So way slower than Tuesday but my legs just felt dead today and I had no zip.  Good thing is that, other than any zip, my legs felt better (as in Achilles and. Knees no pain) than I've felt in 3 months- no heel raises again and ran in the Sayonaras.

Plenty of chat at the HuRT Squad Awards tonight and the winners will be announced tomorrow.  I was sick all night battling through a dodgy tum but staved it off (thank God) particularly after I had to down a Johnny Walker.  Huge respect to Fats tonight.  The most humble chap I know.

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