Saturday, August 03, 2013

Short course XC - 15th in 25:42

Wow, what a stunning day. Was hanging around afterwards watching the Under 20's race just soaking up the sun.

Knew I was tired after the past fortnight so turned up not expecting much. Just wanted to ease my way into it and work the many little hills. It's a tough old course and saps the strength out of your legs. At end of first lap I was running solo about 50m adrift of Kevin Robertson and Nick Cope but with Richie Roberts lurking ominously behind. End of second lap and the position hasn't changed much - Kevin and Nick now further ahead and Richie the same distance behind. Now I know Richie just gets stronger as the race goes on so I worked hard on the hills on the final lap to try to keep him at bay. Picked up a couple of places in the process and closed a bit on Nick and Kevin.

Solid run but nothing spectacular. It just made me want to taper next week properly and give C2S a real crack. Sod the marathon. It doesn't get bigger than the City to Surf.

Another lap warmdown with Kenny for 11km all up. Big thanks to Timmy for showing up to give our Over 35's team a bit of respectability. Oh, and Anna wanted everyone to know that, despite winning the Over 35 state title, she was mistaken by an official for an 18yr old.

Kenny, me, Anna and Timmy enjoying XC in sunshine. It was never like this in Northumberland.

1 comment:

  1. Think the same official asked me if i was 21 - told her she needed an appointment at Specsavers :)
    Well run mate.
