Thursday, August 08, 2013

HuRTS 10 x 400m

It was wet and cold, the C2S is in 3 days and Mikey offered up a pussy alternative run so only 3 of us showed up. Angus and a chap called Greg.

Felt pretty good today. That's what 3 days rest does for you. Ran them all in 69/70 I think. 11km all up. Tooth OK and antibiotics doing the trick.

Charlie has now managed to spread his chicken pox to Bec, Billy and Mags. Kirst is crook. It's like a leper colony at home. I'm quarantining myself downstairs for the next 3 days.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I've got a disease-free couch in Kirribilli mate. JF
