Sunday, April 28, 2013


Well, last night turned into a very large one at Jon and Jane's for the former's 50th birthday. I've been in bed all day long. Kirst said I had a licence to kill with my breath this morning. Should i have run today? The answer would have been clear had I asked a doctor. No.

I may have died last night and you only live twice so out I went in the late afternoon. A quantum of solace was that it was perfect weather again - managed 8km before deciding I'll die another day.

For your eyes only:


  1. Classic Roger Moore.

  2. David Attenborough :-)

  3. Bit of a shame you didn't manage to work Goldfinger in that post somehow. I didn't actually mean that as a vulgar pun but there is no way to say Goldfinger that doesn't sound like a vulgar pun.

  4. And what about Pussy Galore ?

  5. Or Xenia Onatopp and Holly Good head?
