Saturday, February 02, 2013

Strider 10km Homebush - 5th in 33:52

Got up early to pick Dicky up as we planned on doing a longer warm up (5km). It was pissing with rain and had been for 24 hours but very cool temps for February. The course was sodden with huge puddles around the horse track which meant diverting onto the soft gravel or wading through the ankle deep water. Really appreciated the warm up though as I'd ironed out all the aches and stiffness before the start.

Good crowd with Dave Criniti, Robin Whitelely, CT, Fats, Craig Mc, Sam Walker, the Horne and Brendan Davies all in attendance. Had a good chat with the lads (Timmy looking very nervous) and off we went. Funny start as everyone stormed off and I was we'll back but then picked up a lot of places in the second km to be running alongside Robin and Sam. I think the long warm up avoided the excitable start with inevitable 2km slowdown.

CT and Dave jumped ahead at the start and Sam and Robin had closed the gap by 2km and pulled ahead of me by 30m in the process. I think Brendan was right behind at this stage but I was basically running solo from here on. At 5km on the switchbacks I could see that Brendan and Fats were about 60m behind and was worried as I knew those 2 would be competitive and push each other along - so I made a concerted effort to go hard until the top of the hill. From here I was just concentrating on getting under 34mins and knew it would be close. Used CT up ahead as someone to chase and pleased to come in with a few seconds to spare. Felt great in the second half. Splits went: 3:12, 3:19, 3:19, 3:25, 3:29, 3:18, 3:26, 3:21, 3:23, 3:23 (18s - measured 10.1km).

Some great battles out there. Timmy did enough to hold off Laura and Elvis but obviously made a real effort in doing so but fair play to him. Kanser missed the start by 20s (surprise surprise). Macca ran as solid as ever and has been given some impetus for Six Foot by an ill conceived goading from Elvis, who seems to be specialising in this.

A good morning was topped off by winning the spot prize which I swapped with Timmy for my $20 bet.

5km warm up and down 20km all up.


  1. Great start to your year,no rustiness in that performance.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Great run Tom.Looking good for Six Foot. RP
