Sunday, February 17, 2013

State 5000m

Great crowd of HuRT Squad runners with Barts, Andy, Kanser, Ray and Laura all running. Watched a really good tussle between Andy, Kanser and Ray in the C race as Barts and I warmed up. Got dead nervous then we were off.

Hammie had been feeling fine courtesy of some Voltaren (I think the issue is some deep tissue swelling in the glute) and was feeling very bouncy after plenty of rest so decided to commit early on. Followed Cale Bowd and Bryce Courtenay Pierce Brosnan Coles Sinclair for a couple of laps before they eased ahead when a couple of other chaps came past, so tagged onto them. Went through 1km in about 3:01, 2km in 6:06 and 3km in 9:15 so knew a good time was on but that the pace was generally slowing. My brain is a bit mushy as to what happened after that but I figured I needed a strong last lap and was lucky enough to have Jim Perrett just in front of me with a lap to go. Went past him on the back straight and had a really good tussle the whole way home with him edging ahead on the line.

Very happy with the time. Always good to get a PB after many years of racing and a nice touch to have my Dad lap counting for me on a night when I equalled (but did not beat) his PB. I ended up with 15:36:57. Unfortunately they only had hand-timing back in them days and Dad doesn't remember the decimal (I'm guessing because it was .9) so we have to call it a draw for now.

Laura looked very strong on the women's A race in setting a 20s PB and great to watch the men's A race with my pick (Dave Byrne) being edged on the line by James Connor.

Now 6hours sleep after a party before the long run with the boys.


  1. you forgot one important thing.............. The Time ?

  2. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Great result Tom.RP
