Friday, February 08, 2013

2km Time Trial

Out for the haul over to Homebush in rush hour with Barts. Traffic meant we were half an hour late but Tiger was being generous and allowed us a good warm up. Did about 3km including a few strides then we were into it. Megsy was to take us through 800m in 2:20 and Gary to carry on at the same pace after for as long as he could be arsed.

It was pretty windy down the back straight and on he second lap I felt it was getting too comfortable so pushed ahead with Gary coming past in the home straight and Barts just behind. Gary then gapped me a bit and I struggled through the next 600m (with the lap splits showing). He stepped off the track at 1400m and Barts was about 2s back at this stage so I was solo for the final 600m. Had a good last lap though (67.x) to bring a bit of respectability to the time. Finished in 5:53.1. Was secretly hoping for 5:48 but I didn't have the confidence to go with Gary at 800m. Barts also had a good last lap to finish in 5:57.

Lap splits went:

1:10, 2:20, 3:33, 4:45, 5:53.

Still think the fitness is there as it's been a very big week.

7km warmdown with Barts for 12km all up. Thanks to Barts (who was even more nervous than me beforehand), Gary and Megsy for joining in. Megsy looks a class act running at pace.

1 comment:

  1. So I was a bit quick with my 5:30. Good run in that wind yesterday, it was horrid.
