Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Mosman strength

Out early with Macca for a jog to Mosman and then at the top of Parriwi Rd (5km) we started a 10km faster section. Roughly followed the Mini-Mos 10km route so it was tough with plenty of little hills. Splits were:

4:06, 3:44, 3:47, 3:52, 3:54, 3:50, 3:51, 3:49, 3:57, 3:57. So 38:47.

Then the 6km jog home for 21.1km all up in 1:32:08 (4:22's).

Macca as tough as ever not giving me a moment's respite. Knackered now and I've got strength with Carl at 11.30am.

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