Sunday, January 20, 2013

Middle Harbour Picnic

Great ad hoc 6.30am group arranged today of Fats, Barts, Ray, Macca, Andy, Craig Mc and Irish Tom his coach. All sub 2:40 men so the pace was always going to be solid. What I'd forgotten is just how tough this course is with 3 monster hills - the first up Warringah Rd from Roseville Bridge (3km), the second up Parriwi Rd (1.6km) and the third up from Balmoral Beach (don't know how long but bloody steep). Fats killed us all on all three. But it's not just about the classified climbs, there's undulations the whole way.

Ended up with 29.2km averaging 4:24's which is quick for the course. The final 11km averaged 4:04's.

Absolutely rogered at the end. Must take this week easy as that's a big weekend for me. Don't want to get injured now.

Not too tired to beat Dad 5-4 in matchplay at Wakehurst GC this afternoon. Played well for once. Beginning to enjoy this golf malarkey. Alec, if you're reading you'll be pleased to know it came down to the final putt which I sunk from 3' for the win. Hahahahaha! Dad was upset all afternoon.


  1. Fats ran with the 6:20 group last time we did that one before Melbourne and killed us. Ran away up the hill out of Balmoral and he was gone. Great for Six Foot that course.

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Reading it and a bit worried. If you're beating Dad at golf (and I know he's still beating me) I'm even worse than I thought. Unless, of course, you made him play without offering drinks. He only gets good after the first couple of beers.
