Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pussy 400's and needles in the ass

Bit of a cock up today. Kanser wanted to go to Rushcutters. I tried to change the session for the squad but don't think the email went through. Showed up alone with even Kanser pulling out. It was 32C, windy and there were some kids playing on the oval. Briefly thought about just jogging back to the office but guilt got the better of me. Marked out what I thought was roughly 400m (avoiding the kids - they scare me) and proceeded to run 10 but just with a 30m walk in between each one (30 seconds). I think it was about 410m but the times were abysmal. 76/77 for each. At the end of 10 I decided to do 2 more because I felt guilty. Wasn't even that puffed after 12 but slunked off back to the office with my tail between my legs.

Only good thing about the session was that I felt a lot better afterwards than beforehand, especially after a good stretch. Glutes felt magic. Tiger stuck some needles in my ass yesterday - I've been a bit of a sceptic on dry needling after he tried it in my hammies previously - but yesterday my glutes started spasming and felt completely released afterwards. So much so I was walking around like John Cleese all afternoon.

Couple of beers with Macca and maybe LF Charlie and Clive this evening. Not long before I can take a break from the booze.

1 comment:

  1. i think all that Beer been consumed has pickled your brain Tommy H.
    The team were left wondering what to do and where to go today - bring back Mikey
