Thursday, November 15, 2012

JPMorgan CC - 4th in 17:37

I just love this race. Gary Howard summed it up best by describing it as a school sports carnival for grown ups. Basically 8,000+ weekend warriors putting it on the line for work honours. That said, it's always won by a classy runner. This year Marty Dent smoked the field, but in previous years its been won by Youcef Abdi, Pat Carroll, Benny St, Paul Arthur, Wildman etc.

Did a very nervous warm up with Enda, Todd and Tucks then made my way to the start line to be greeted by literally dozens of HuRT Squad members. We were held for ages on the start line then the hooter went and the mad dash to the hill began. I felt like I was pushing hard but was surprised to see a group of 6 ahead of me - that group being behind Marty who flew away. Crasti was in the group but I didn't recognise the others. I was running with Tucks at this stage so normal service had resumed. Stayed with Tucks until 3km (having caught one of the group of 6 - we'd get them all bar Crasti by the end) but then he did exactly what he told me he was going to do and inexorably pulled away. We were still catching the group of 6 one by one though so I figured I hadn't blown up. It also still felt fast. By 4km I was up to 6th place and catching 5th. At the Fox Studios gates I'd caught 5th but he was running strongly with me. Tucks was about 80m ahead with the 3rd placed chap. I have to admit that when I caught the 5th placed chap, my sole thoughts were on keeping that position as you get mentioned on the JPMorgan website for 5th but nothing for 6th. Shallow, yes. Narcissistic, absolutely. Motivational, you betcha. But I look across and this bloke I'm tussling with for 5th place is a kid, and all I'm thinking is that I bet he's a better sprinter than me so I'd better go early. So I start going for it at the 5km mark. The kid sticks it out for a bit and then thankfully drops off, because I couldn't maintain that pace for much longer. But then, what do you know, but the bloke in 4th who Tucks has now dropped is suddenly in striking distance, so just like 2 years ago I just carry on the sprint and catch him on the final corner. Hell, even Tucks is now just up ahead. Stoked to cross the line in 17:37 - second fastest time ever and about 20s quicker than I was expecting.

What it taught me is that you can make up heaps of time in this race over the final mile (from 4km to the finish line). If I'd held pace I'd have run 17:5x - I managed to put 13s and 16s on the blokes I was running with at the Fox Studios gates (photo below). Also taught me how good Tucks is. He gets a lot of credit for his ultra trail performances but I think a lot of people don't appreciate how good he is on the shorter stuff too.

I was expecting J-Fen to figure strongly given how well he's been going in training but he was badly affected by antibiotics he was taking. He was in a very bad shape coming down the finishing straight with his legs buckling just before the line. Fair play to him though - he gutsed it out despite everything and must have been in a world of pain.

Some great performances out there. Special mentions to Andy, JB and Barts who all finished within 3 seconds of each other a shade over 18mins. But what about Laura - what a champ. Off virtually no training she runs only a few seconds slower than her winning time of last year to finish second. She's a big occasion performer.

Central governor performance of the day to MC for running 19:05. Lots of PBs out there today, including for Enda (another who always goes well in this race), Indrajeet and the KiltedScot.

Allens finished second in the Mixed team to KPMG, but Matt ran a great 19:17 and the girls ran out of their skins to finish either side of 23mins. Next year we'll get it.

At 4.8km:

The CEO and Chairman:

Me and Tucks, the latter looking more relaxed:

This is how painful it got for J-Fen (Enda about to strike):

You thought J-Fen looked pained? Check out Big Sam realising Mikey has taken him:


  1. Superb performance Chairman.
    Hope you got the JPM mention too!

  2. Saw the results on the JPM website last night and thought that you did well to reduce the gap with Tucks from 8 to 4 seconds and get 4th place. Shame you couldn't quite reach the podium.
    Could do with a little more resolution for the photos to see the pain and agony in close-up :)

  3. Good run Tom. Glad you shook off those 3 guys sitting on your shoulder when I saw you.

  4. Nice work once more mate

  5. That's a great run Tom. Well done. This is a race that has fond memories for me - I ran it 8 times (2000 to 2005 and 2007 to 2008). Nowhere near your times though!
