Monday, October 15, 2012

Clyde Rosanowski

Had a lunch on today so ran home. Had to make it fairly quick as Kirst was heading out to Futsal (scored her first ever goal in a narrow 3-2 loss!). Concentrated on the high cadence running which I've become fairly obsessed with recently. Didn't time it on the stopwatch but about 55mins.

I first encountered Clyde running the Sydney Half Marathon in 2007 - where I set my PB of 72:21 which still stands. This squat bloke running on the outside of his feet overtakes me on the harbour bridge and I think, who's this joker. I then proceed to teach this cowboy a lesson, but didn't get a step closer to him all race as he powered away to a 70:xx. I think Clyde has surprised a fair few people in this way over the years - most recently Macca in a HuRTS session a couple of months ago. An amazing engine, he gets running fit in no time at all and he's been on the scene for years with a wealth of experience. He seems to be mates with every Kiwi runner out there, from Nick Willis down. Takes great interest in how everyone goes and always willing to offer his advice. Unfortunately seems to prefer pimping up bikes and wearing lycra these days. But still an all round good bloke.

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