Friday, October 19, 2012

Anna Fitzgerald

Very easy standard 16km route with MC, Kanser, KiltedScot, 2:36 Ray and a few others. 71 mins. Hammies feeling good despite more work with Carl this morning.

102km for the week and averaged over 100km for the past 4 weeks.

Anna is currently HuRTS #2 lady but is dead set dedicated and I wouldn't be surprised if she had designs on #1. Has a spot on attitude towards training but joins us less frequently now after joining Sean's squad. She's had her problems with injuries but always bounces back more keen than ever. Always laughing, always smiling. A great Half PB of 82:45 and watch for her to beat her 10km PB of 37:57 this weekend at the Brighton Beachside Dash. An old round top chick.

Anna in full flow and then with some chap in front of some toilets.

1 comment:

  1. Deek should get all his photos taken in front of the palm tree, yeah yeah
