Monday, September 10, 2012

Anthony Murrell

Saturday was a 12km very easy run early doors at 4:25 pace pre-camping trip. Shouts to Frik and Tony Wong.

No run Sunday while camping.

Today (birthday!) was the 14km route a little faster in 59:38 running along the beachfront with Jasper. Then at lunch did the usual 16km route in 70 with Big Sam, MC, JW, BW, Luke, Rob, the Kilted Scot, Gerry and others.

Got to mention Muz today as I was walking back to the lifts with my morning coffee and bumped into him. We both must have looked a bit shocked. Turns out he's working for Deutsche - moving to Singapore but back in Sydney in our building for 6 weeks.

Muz was discovered by Serg, working alongside him at UBS. He just seemed to run in the pack with HuRTS At first then all of a sudden was kicking our arses, a real hidden talent. More often than not got the better of me and had a 10km PB in the 32's. But best of all he loved a beer and was usually the last to leave the pub. Massive chest, skinny legs. An all round good bloke.


  1. Happy birthday bro !
    Have a beer on me.

  2. Yeah Tommy I'll raise a glass for you

  3. Happy birthday Tom - hope you don't start slowing down now.

  4. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Happy Birthday Tom

    Have two beers on me - and remember which brother got you the extra beer!


  5. Muz was a specail talent. While he's in Sydney, he should come out for a run with the HuRTs
