Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Post Olympics update

Had a bit of an accident following the last post while over in London. Hurt my shoulder after a night out with Andy and Fast Charlie which has curtailed any proper running. Have just been jogging for the past 2 weeks - every other day while in London as there was just too much to see.

Had the shoulder X-rayed on Sunday (thanks to Thamal's wife, Jules, who is a nurse at Manly hospital and allowed me to by-pass the usual 4 hour wait) and I've got a hairline fracture in my scapula just beneath the AC joint. So will be taking it easy for a while yet.

The rest of the Olympics were awesome. For a jaw-dropping spectacle you can't go past Rudisha's 800m world record. When was the last time a world record was set in the Olympics at a distance over 400m (or even over 200m)? For atmosphere and excitement (as a Brit), Mo's 5000m and 10,000m top it. It's hard to distinguish the two as they were so similar - you'd have thought Gebremeskel would have learned a lesson from watching the 10,000m. The 10,000m was exciting as it was the first distance Gold medal. The 5000m was exciting as (for me) it was unexpected. The Mens relays were also awesome. The noise in the stadium was unlike anything I've ever heard - even louder than St James's Park on the day of the Howay 5-0 against Man Utd.

Popped down to HuRTS today and did 13 x 3min reps before rushing back to the office. Ran with MC for most trying not to over exert myself. Legs have been feeling very weary recently but I'll just keep plugging away.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the shoulder. You know not to take on the Aussies in the boat races.
    Alberto Juantorena 76 Montreal Olympics 1:43.50.
    Ralph Doubell 68 Mexico City Olympics 1:44.3.
