Sunday, July 29, 2012

Long Sunday

Shocking nights sleep with Charlie up and watching the rest of the world conspire against Team GB in the road race. But was up at 6am to meet Macca and Bartles for the usual 37km route. Pretty nippy this morning but the time passed easily chatting. Macca turned around at 14km. Bartles and I carried on with me dreading the inevitable pace pick up. Did the last 12km averaging close to 3:50's but with Barts dropping me in the final 2km. He's getting stronger every week and will run a great C2S.

Now for a nap, some early beers and some Olympics viewing...


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Cavendish what a pathetic sport he is. Maybe he should try racing rather than have people nursemaid him to a medel.

  2. Anonymous, Don't go there with that one mate - Your 4 x 100m Men Swimmers 'Talked the Talk' for months now and delivered nothing. And even worse form from James Magnussen afterwards in his interview..... What a To$$er

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Tim with your anti australian attitude you really should consider a different place to live. Manchester maybe.

  4. To be fair, there has always been a very strong and healthy rivaly between Britain and Australia in sport. Everyone likes it that way. But it shouldn't be some Hansonesque bar on living in the country.

  5. Timmy is a professional Sh!t stir. Rule number 1 is dont take the bait.

    At least Magnussen didn't blame the Russians, French or even the english for his (relatively) slow swim. I personally blame Phelps. Clearly underperforming is contaigious.

  6. Mousey, First catch of the day, and mate (or lady) i actually love the Country it's just some of your sportsman/women need to have a look at themselves.
    You to maybe should look up the word 'Rivalry' between the two Countrys when it comes to sport :)
    Enjoy the rest of the Games.. 'Go the Missile'

  7. Cav was missing an Aussie leadout man. Poor sod maybe he should try getting in a breakaway like 'negative' O'Grady did. 4x100m sank like a missile. The missile went off like a 303.
