Thursday, July 26, 2012

HuRTS Hills

Over to Observatory Hill today for 10 reps up the 580m hill. Hadn't had my morning doughnut so was feeling a bit weak, not helped by not having done a tough session like this in ages. Tucks, Fats (who disappeared around a corner after rep 4 and turned into Barts), J-Fen, Macca, Dicky's G and H, MC, Dom and sole female Em were all there plus more. We were also graced with the mighty presence of Robdog, pretending as ever he lacked fitness.

Fats, Tucks, Dom and Robdog powere ahead for the first 3 reps with me, J-Fen and Dicky H a short distance behind. Did these in about 2:10. Gradually felt more comfortable with the pace getting closer to the front guys and led the last couple out.

Tough session. First time my legs have felt wobbly in training in ages.

1 week to go!!!

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