Monday, July 02, 2012

Gold Coast Marathon - 16th in 2:34:00

Rocked up on a beautiful morning having walked from Main Beach. Said a few hellos to JB, Macca and TB before listening to some chap murder the National Anthem. I don't bother with a warm up before the marathon, figuring that 42.2km is enough for the day.

We were off and I was feeling great. The Garmin was all over the place but I think I went through the first km in 3:26. I wasn't too fussed though as it felt fine and I thought it would be a few seconds in the bank. Settled into a group of 3 ladies and a couple of blokes so it was a decent crowd. And it stayed this way for quite a while. We were regularly ticking off 3:35's and if they drifted to a 3:38 I'd push the pace again. Gradually though the group was whittling down. At the turnaround at 16km I could see JB about 30s back but running alone, with Macca and Tongey about 10s behind him. I was surprised about Tongey but was expecting him to come through in the second half, remembering what he did at the SMH Half.

We caught a guy from the ADF at 17km and by that stage it was me, ADF chap and Ogi the second placed lady. This was the best bit of the race. I was leading the group but getting loads of shouts from the runners going in the opposite direction which really lifts your spirits. By 20km ADF chap had dropped so it was down to me and Ogi. I was working harder to keep the kms at 3:35s but told myself just to get to 30km where the real work would begin. I picked up what i thought was my Thomas the Tank Engine drinks bottle at 20km only to discover it was a Buzz Lightyear one with Dave Kane written on the side! Had a bit of a chuckle to myself but then was a bit pissed off as he didn't tape a gel to it.

Coming back into Main Beach suddenly 3 chaps come back to us paying for the early pace. Its not nice but very satisfying to start picking people off in the latter stages of the race. Here I really started to work hard, determined to keep the pace consistent at least until 35km. It paid off as the results show I had the 7th fastest split between 30 and 35km. The splits went as follows:

5km: 17:45
10km: 18:04
15km: 18:02
20km: 18:01
Half: 1:15:56
25km: 18:13
30km: 18:09
35km: 18:27
40km: 19:04

Ogi was still with me and at 35km as I started to fade a bit she started to lead for the first time in the race. I just held on to her telling myself every extra km she could drag me through would be a bonus. Coming back over the little hill over the bridge at 37.5km was the doing of me though. I was now knackered. Saw Gary an JB by the road at 38km and I was struggling, the next 2km were just trying not to fall apart and went on for ages. I was still doing 3:48's though so thought I might still sneak under 2:34. Before 40km I did some maths and thought I'd need to go through in 2:25:30 to have a shot. I went through in 2:25:50 so thought it was out of reach so just tried to get home. Every time I tried to pick up the pace my hammies would seize up so it was a balancing exercise at this point. Hit the crowds coming towards the finish and immediately my spirits lifted - it's a fantastic feeling. Turned the final corner to see 2:33:45 on the clock. I thought "I can do this!", I just need to sprint. Tried to sprint but my hammies seized, so I tamely crossed the line in 2:34:00, only temporarily rueing it.

I was chuffed to bits. Ogi said something in Japanese and we hugged having shared 2.5 hours of pain. Had a good chat with Mark Tucker then watched Macca and TB cross the line. News coming in wasn't good on Kanser or JB. They're both fit though and will regroup to run a good one soon.

Then got a bit emotional like I do after long races. Pulled myself together and had a few lively beers with Macca, Glen and Bartles before heading off to Moo Moos with the rest of the squad. Don't remember much after that but I've for a cracking hangover.


  1. Top effort Tom , run of the day and will also be 'Run of the Year' no doubt.
    Dont worry to much much about not remembering about the evening i have some pixs that will be available tomorrow that i will post (and i wasn't even there) :)

  2. Great run Tom. Timmy has spies everywhere, the pics are sure to be nasty.

  3. Truly great run Tom, good onya!
    Saw the picture of you on fb asleep at the bar!
    After all the hard work you deserved it.
    Tell us more about the "all emotional" period?

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Great run Tom, really well done. Although frankly, you don't get much sympathy with your "struggling and trying not to fall apart" while still running 3.48s.

    Fantastic race.


  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Great race Tom. Cracking result and time. Impressive. Todd

  6. Great run Tom. You are making this marathon business look easy! The drink afterwards was well deserved. Good run from Paul Mac also carrying an injury. Next stop sub 2:30!

  7. Hey Tom

    I'm happy to see you running marathons. Bringing your usual effort. Sub 2:30 if it wasn't for those hamstrings I reckon.

    I might run it next year, I hope you're there then.

  8. Tom did u see any of my messages?
    Did they inspire you? ;-)

  9. Tom, great run and fantastic time - well done.
