Saturday, April 07, 2012

Snakes alive

Almost stood on one. He snarled at me. Looked bloody dangerous too, short but fat and with big fangs. On my way back some goons were poking a stick at it.

56mins. Felt crap to start with but ace at the end.


  1. That snake remind you of anyone?
    I love your use of the word goons !
    Slightly out of fashion but marvelously descriptive!
    Enjoy your hols

  2. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Short and fat with fangs, sounds like auld Timmy to me.

  3. bit harsh A mouse??? i dont have fangs?

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    My apologies young Timmy, from now I'll call you the bloody dangerous looking Toothless Tim.
    A. Nony. Mouse.
