Thursday, April 26, 2012

HuRTS 10x400m

Surprisingly big crowd for the trip over to Rushcutters with Richie P making a rare appearance. I measured out 410m on the Garmin (knowing it always measures long on an oval) and, despite having heavy legs, threw myself into it. I led most of the first 5 reps with Darian occasionally blasting one out. In the second 5, Scotty, Bartles, Darian, Jason, Richie and Spike each took turns. Tucks was a burglar on the last. Rep times went:

66, 68, 67, 67, 67, 66, 66, 66, 66, 65

Very pleased with that. Suspect it's still a bit short given the times but a great session nonetheless.

Took the elder 2 kids and Maggie on a 10km bike ride up to Seaforth and back yesterday (similar route to my morning run). Very impressed with Mags at 4.5yrs old climbing out of her saddle and managing all the hills. I videoed her on one of them. You can't quite get an impression of the gradient until you look at the elder 2 kids struggling in front. Mags Riding

Read this on The Guardian which made me laugh... Story of the Day

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