Sunday, January 29, 2012

Long run around the Valley

Went a bit shorter today but found a 24km loop along Kangaroo Valley Road, then Tourist Rd, up to the Camberrawa Lookout then down Moss Vale Road to Kangaroo Valley and finishing with a gruelling 6km climb back up Berry Mountain to our house. Took it easy on a beautiful day and took some photos along the way. Struggled on the final climb after 20km where thoughts turned to Six Foot reminding me just how hard it is. Finished up with a 4.5km jog with Bec for 28.8km all up. Slow at an average of 4:44 pace but plenty of hills.

Here are the photos:

Looking back down to Kangaroo Valley from Tourist Road:

Camberrawa Lookout:

Climbing out of the morning mist up Berry Mountain towards the end:

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