Tuesday, January 17, 2012

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

The whole of Sydney turned out for the session today. Everyone was there (other than Enda, whom I'm assuming Kanser has chained to the desk) - even Durante, again. MC's getting scared of the chap's latent talent already. It was pretty chaotic but we managed to get through the session.

I was still tired and sore before we started. Told myself it was one of those sessions you just had to get through. Ran most of the reps with Tucks, Andy and Macca. Fats and Timmy joined us for the first few. They felt a bit easier as we rolled through them and the muscles warmed up a bit. All run at 3:25 to 3:30 pace other than the final one at 3:16 pace.

14km all up and 17 days in a row. I've mentioned Thurston's theory on 17 consecutive days previously (although he probably made it up when pissed). It sounds easy but is surprisingly difficult to achieve, at least for me. Something, be it work, hangover, home commitments, injury or sickness, always seems to get in the way. I only managed it twice all of last year, including in January when I ran every day - like I hope to this month.

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