Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Crowd was bigger than Ben Hur today. We may need to make arrangements to split the group soon as it's starting to become a bit unwieldy.

This is a tough session. Tried just to hang on to the back of the front group today but they were going at a pace and that was tough enough. J-Fen and Scotty O were leading the charge with Tucks, Bartles and I trying to keep up. We failed, reaching the gates in 10:03 with J-Fen and Scotty about 15 seconds in front. The next rep they just stepped up the pace again while I flailed around in the background, at least running consistent pace. The third rep was weird as I felt good and drifted to the front so tried to keep the pace honest and get to the gates in under 10mins. Just managed it with Scotty and J-Fen hanging on. Final rep I was spent so just tried to keep the same pace. Times for the Gate to Gates were as follows:


That's not bad but I was way behind Jonathan and Scott who ran it as fast as I think anyone has.

Had a massage this arvo at Jackie's with Amanda, who I reckon is the best one there. She's the female version of Jean-Louis (although more attractive) and did a great job.

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