Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another long 'un

Up at 5.30am again to meet Big Sam and Richard Banks for a run up the beaches. Richard joined us because he's just been asked by the Japanese to run some marathon in a town south of Fukuoka which is twinned with Townsville - off the back of having won the Townsville marathon last year. He's only been given 3 weeks notice so is putting in some quick prep.

Coolish again (at least it was at 5.30am) but the km's flew by chatting away. Felt much easier for the first 20km than last week having taken it easier yesterday. We looped around the Narrabeen Track and got very excited about a new gate they've opened accessing Cromer Golf Course allowing you to circumnavigate Narrabeen lagoon without the risk of cutting your nads off while trying to jump the sharp fence. Rather than complete the circuit though we ran back to Dee Why making the run only 31.08km in 2:20 something (about 4:30's). I then did an extra 4.5km with the kids to Nippers so we'll call it 35km all up.

Felt tired from 20km onwards which was a bit disappointing given how good I'd felt up until then.

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