Tuesday, December 20, 2011

HuRTS 4 x 10mins

Frantic at work. Fronted up late. Joined in after about 15s. Tucks, Charlie and man-in-form Scott O'Connor were way out in front with Andy valiantly chasing and Timmy, Rich H and I chatting along in the next group. Was working far harder than normal though just to keep 3:35 pace going. Quickened up a bit on the way back running with Enda. Then on rep 3 set off with Timmy but soon developed a neck strain trying to work out where he was. Turned out he'd decided to bludge again, running (and later swimming) with the ladies. He can't seem to handle this session. Ran 5 yards behind Andy for the whole rep and picked up Scott towards the end, averaging about 3:32's. Then, with dead legs and a lack of ticker I rolled through the 4th getting back in 9:43 watching Tucks and Fast Charlie fly by around Farm Cove.

Plenty of improvement to come. Good to see Big Sam out there planning his assault on London Marathon. Paul Macca, MC, Luke and others also making welcome returns.

It will get easier, it will get easier...

Decided to add some ammunition to Timmy's cause by posting some photos. I think this one involved Enda describing his experiences in Bangkok to JC and Kanser.

1 comment:

  1. What the..... ?
    These boys are just getting out of control Chairman.
