Thursday, October 27, 2011

HuRTS 8 x 800m

Over to Rushcutters again and off with the shoes for 8 x 800m going off a rolling 4 minutes. Good crowd seeing as MC allowed me to change the official session so Tucks, Kanser, Timmy, J-Fen, Richie H, Big Sam, Pete W, Vicky Joe, MC himself, Laura, Emma and a heap of others were in attendance. I had Tucks alongside for the first couple and leading the final rep and Vicky Joe blasting out rep number 5 otherwise I was leading. Reps went as follows:


Felt comfortable again barefoot but I'll pay the price with my achilles tomorrow. Kanser took a step forward today, running the reps with J-Fen in the 2:27 - 2:28 range before a quick final one. Poor little Timmy seems to be a bit out-classed these days. Rumour is he's shying away from my Lane Cove bet. So that'll be $20 please young sir.

11km all up.


  1. Timmy is crying poor these days Tom. Don't expect too much

  2. might have to race it now - after my latest stuff up with flights, I might be needing that $20 come next Saturday :)
    Great running today Tom, my money is on you next week against C.T and i will be reporting to him tomorrow.

  3. based on that session all the HuRTS boys are running quicker than me. Please tell me the 800 was short...

  4. Yep BeerMatt it's 800m, well the first rep was slightly short (Timmy set up the cones via his garmin) which is about 10m short. I know the oval well and know exactly where 400m and 800m are. The garmin picked up 810m for each rep but it's definitely 800m. Tom is on fire at the moment, he just needs a race with good conditions, very difficult to get the conditions down this side of the world. You also ran 10 and with a 200m recovery, it was 90 secs for the HuRTs boys....big difference

  5. Caleb and I wore the garmins for a session of 800m's at Homebush last season, we both had a reading of mid 825m's per rep.

  6. Don't care about the distance. I was just happy to be in front of the King of the Trails.
    Matt - all will be revealed on the HuRTS boys form at the 10kms next weekend. Just hoping for good conditions.

  7. Great running. On a good course/day that's sub 32 form. Best of luck.
