Saturday, September 03, 2011

Striders North Head - 1st in 32:24

Didn't think I'd ever be writing that title for a post. Woke up feeling pretty good for once. Took my new pre-race concoction of Endura Optimizer and drove up to North Head, bumping into Kanser and Timmy in the car park. Timmy was his usual self and Kanser had more excuses than you could even contemplate. Saw Truscott, the Horne and Thamal warming up, then was greeted by Robbie Neill at registration so there was a decent crowd. Bleasel and Hew were also on the start line so I knew it'd be a decent race. My plan from the start was just to stick to CT for as long as possible.

CT went straight to the front for those 2 annoying little loops of the car park then heading out on the first big lap it was a group of CT, Robbie and myself in front with Thamal just behind. Then at 2km Robbie suddenly puts in this burst of speed, CT goes with him and they gap me by about 10m. I'm thinking, WTF, is this what proper racing is all about? Then on the slight rise after the roundabout I start to catch them again. We're altogether coming back to the roundabout so put some pressure on up the hill and Robbie dropped off. It's now just a race between me and CT. Basically, CT puts in a series of surges which I gradually claw back, usually on a hill. Coming up to 9km I'm waiting for him to go again and thinking that I can't let him gap me this time. Sure enough, he does and I go with him then pass him and suddenly I've got a gap. Can't believe my luck. I was dreading the dogfight of a final sprint. Just keep the speed up for the final loop and turn the corner to the finish to see 32:18 or thereabouts on the clock and I'm ecstatic. First win since pre-injury at the age of 16 and a decent PB to boot over the distance I run most often.

No idea about the splits. I ran without a watch again because I wanted to race it. Robbie said he went through 5km in about 16:05 and we were about 10s in front.

Some great runs out there today, none more so than Timmy who clocked another big PB in running 34:27 and almost beating Richie again. Richie overtook him with 20m to go! Sounds like those 2 had a good tussle with Paul McClarnon the whole way. Eoin had a good run in the low 35's and Kanser is getting back with a 36:40 (before running another 21km back home). JC ran an inaugural 10km in 36:36. The one down point of the day was seeing Anna looking as though she suffered another attack at the 3km mark, hope she's OK.


  1. Sounds like a great battle, well done Tom!

  2. Great racing Tom and a terrific time. Fancy a wager on which of us can break 32 first?

  3. Matt, can I put $50 on it being you?

  4. Matt i'll have $500 on ya, especially as those Irish 10ks normally work out at 9.3k if judging on any of Kanser's past efforts over the years?
    Great run again Tom today - superb effort....pity Tucks wasn't there :)

  5. Well done Tom. Sounds like everything is coming together at the moment. Excellent run.

  6. Well done Tom, great racing!

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Great run Tom. You looked very focused and ran a great race.

  8. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Tom great run and a fantastic win. You loooked strong and focused from the water station. Frustrating being on the sidelines but in the right spot to look after Anna. She had 5 seizures and was exhausted but ok.RP

  9. Tom, excellent result and well done.

  10. I wish I shared your confidence Tom. On the track I'd have a chance but just can't see it happeneing on the road...

    Always nice to cop a spray from Timmie. I thought the Kanser PB in question was set in Australia and not Ireland?
