Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A few links

This bloke really annoys me.

Almost as much as this bloke.

Check out the final standings in the Runnerstribe tipping comp.

Today was the 4 x 10mins HuRTS session. I had a call at 12.15pm which I took, half knowing it would make me late for the session. So rocked up at St Mary's to join in the final 3 reps. Legs still knackered. Just couldn't seem to turn them over. Anything under 3:30 pace was a real struggle. Bartles and Stuart were well ahead. Tucks and Richie H seemed to be struggling with me. Jason kept me honest on my second rep (his third). Had a chat with a few of the boys and Laura though so nice to catch up.

About 11km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Take a chill pill mate!
    Just because everybody is not wild about sport shouldn't annoy you. Just let him be there are others out there like him.
    What were you doing in that nightclub though ? Have to admit that Timmy is correct in getting the truth out and despite being your running friend his quest for journalistic truth came first.
