Tuesday, August 23, 2011

HuRTS Progressive tempo

We had it all today. Big crowd, popular session. Started out at 4 mins per km in a group with Tucks, new boy Stuart from Deutsche Bank, Jason, Dicky H and JB. We were pretty strict about dropping the pace to 3:50's after 10mins, then 30:40's after 20mins but after the turn (at 23.5mins), suddenly we seemed to throw in a 3:20. Then under the Harbour Bridge I could see a big crowd of the squad standing around someone and feared something bad was up. Anna had had an epileptic fit (discovered after she'd actually had 2). Someone said an ambulance had been called and rather than more people crowding her, we set off again.

Pace dropped again after 30mins but rather than running 3:30s I clocked splits of 3:15 and 3:17. Sensed the group was splitting up and only Tucks was still there coming around Farm Cove. Pushed the hills back home (running a 3:25 split up the hills feeling really good) to finish in 44:20 (12.36km). Final Gate to Gate in 9:45.

Feeling in good form at the moment. Looking forward to a race.

Anna recovered OK. She sensed she was recovering after the second fit and cancelled the ambulance with Bartles giving her a lift home.

Sorting out stuff in storage and came across this photo. It's of me winning the Boys Northern X-Country Championships in Feb 1989. You can see why I was never any good at rugby, and notice the spazzy left hand which remains 22 years on.


  1. Have a pie. What did you weigh back then?

  2. I've tasted my fair share of pies since then.

  3. You don't seem to have changed much - maybe a wee bit taller!

  4. Amazing physique, and you had to put the number on skewed to fit it across your chest ; )

  5. Actually, he didn't get to eat anything as his elder brothers scoffed it all for him. Which is why we aren't so good at running...
