Thursday, August 04, 2011

HuRTS Hickson Road

The toughest session. I worry about it all morning when it's on. Tucks says he does the same. Hurts like hell and mental torture. Felt knackered this morning (probably half psychosymatic) but feeling the effects of a tought fortnight back after 3 weeks rest. Thought I'd just push the first and see how I felt. I normally don't run the first quick enough. Good group of Bartles, Tucks, Jason, JF, Dicky H, Timmy, Dickyboy and Big Sam up front. Bartles was on my shoulder until half way through each rep and I'd try to kick at each set of speed bumps on the way out and each bridge on the way back which gave me a few seconds for each rep. They went as follows:

3:35 (3:02 pace)
3:35 (3:04 pace)
3:34 (3:01 pace)
3:35 (3:04 pace)
3:32 (2:59 pace)

Bit of wind on the return leg (10m shorter) which made the times consistent. Went lactic half way through the penultimate rep. Just sprinted through the final one from half way home.

Pleased with the session. 10km all up.


  1. Great pace Tom, especially the last one

  2. Great session Chairman!
    What is the recovery?

    Could be touch and go in C2S with you and JF & 90 secs.
    Not that your not on for a PB but he could be the Dark Horse!

  3. 2 mins recovery Dave. You're right about Johnno, he's going very well. You just never know with C2S, it's a race like no other.
