Tuesday, August 30, 2011

HuRTS 8 x 5mins

My secretary saw me about to write my blog and sent an email suggesting the following:

"Well guys, I was on fire today! My secretary would have been very proud of me running faster than Forrest Gump (my all time idol).

Back in the office I worked on churning my stomach up by mixing juice, yoghurt and chocolate - I'll keep you posted on that experiment!

I'm about to go and get coffee and forget to buy lollies for the bowl - lately I've had dementia and forgot my secretary's coffee yesterday - I felt so horrible.

Talk to y'all tomorrow,

Forrest Gump"

Wasn't quite like that. Big crowd today despite the temperature dipping back to Winter climes again, but with a few of the big guns (Tucks, new boy Stuart, J-Fen and, err, Young Timmy) missing. I tucked in behind the flying Bartles with Fast Charlie on my shoulder and Dicky H just behind. Ran the first 6 at 3:15 to 3:16 pace. Then at the end of rep 5 Rich says, "what's the further we've ever got, it's to that big rock isn't it?". Bartles indicated it was within reach and, running back on rep 6 I pass a flying Keith Bateman going the other way. That was enough to stoke my fragile ego, so set off quicker on rep 7 and pushed all the way, finishing past the big rock and at the start of the fence at the bottom of the ABC hill. Averaged 3:09 pace. Bartles was about 15 yards back. Was feeling good at this stage (apart from a dodgy stomach - cue secretary email above - which I've had for 24 hours) so ran the final rep with Bartles pushing ahead of him towards the end averaging 3:06.

Great session. Felt comfortable at 3:15's but had to push hard to go any quicker. Rodgered now.

Good to see a few familiar faces returning to sessions, MC, LF Charlie and Anna in particular.

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