Tuesday, August 16, 2011

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Beautiful day today (C2S weather) and, despite having a sore left plantar fascia, decided to head out for a chat and jog. Big crowd but with no-one putting in any effort other than good old Kanser, who moaned about the fact that we were plodding around and took off. Timmy should be scared, he's starting to look dangerous. I only did 10 along with Dicky H, J-Fen and "top 16" Laura. PF felt better after though. Ran without heel raises for the first time in 2 years as my achilles feels almost cured.

Paper results came out today. Net time was 46:49. Timmy's was 49:17 so he is claiming the $50 by 2 seconds. Flakey has rightly pointed out that no-one cares about net times, gun times are where it's at. So I'll hold my cash for the time being. Truscott ended up with 46:47, hadn't realised it was so close in my desperation to reach the line. He's angling for a head to head bet at JPMorgan. I might take him on, it's my favourite race and will get me through the bloody 400m's sessions that lie in store.

One for Alec - the mighty Manly Vale Falcons (2011)....


  1. Gun time, Nett time , Big Ben time, bloody Swahili time.....It's all the same. Talk about clutching at straws?
    Well done though mate, great run.

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Well done, great run. Glad to see you didn't get chicked. Frankly, this is the only thing that matters and we want more 'bout the girls!

    How are the kids? More photos of them required. You're alienating 50% of your Melbourne readership with no kid photos!

    Catch you soon,


  3. You'll have to pay the ferry man(Tim) as gun times were 46:56 and 49:24.
