Wednesday, July 13, 2011



Have I been sick. Even Enda's been taking notes.

Had Monday and Tuesday off post marathon. Then Wednesday started to come down with a bad cold but was swamped at work so just had to fight through. Thought I was pulling out of it over the weekend but then Monday I was a shivering, feverish mess and spent the day in bed, drinking Lucozade and eating Mars Bars. Best day ever. Chest still feels full of crap but ventured out this evening for 10.58km around the Opera House, Hickson Road, Darling Harbour, Chinatown and Central in 44:21 (4:11's). Chest tight but legs felt great after all the rest. Coughed up a lung at the end. Then walking back to the office the thighs felt strangely sensitive so still the lingering effects of the marathon. But running again! Feels good.

4.5 weeks to go to City to Surf. Holy crap, nowhere near enough time. Will just aim to train hard and hopefully be on an upward curve come race time.

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