Saturday, July 30, 2011

NSW Short Course X-Country

I've been late to 2 races in my life. The first was when I was 11 and Dad turned up at the Morpeth Road Races in time for the Colts race, but not the Minor Colts race. In fact, as we drove to the race, we drove past a bunch of young kids running fast down the road and when I pointed out to Dad that it looked like we were late, he just said, don't worry, they're just warming up. He was wrong. The only other race I've missed was the ANSW Short Course X-Country in 2008. I turned up after getting lost just in time to hear the gun go off.

Today, at the same race, it was very close to being the same. Turned up with 3 minutes to spare, Flakey asked whether I had my chip yet and when I said no, very kindly raced off to get it. I attached it to my lace, ran to the start, and then the gun went off.

Felt very average after only about 400m. Richie Roberts pulled inexorably ahead and after about 1.5km who should appear on my shoulder but my close rival from 2008, Dr Jamie Harrison. We basically ran together hauling younger runners in until the drag of a hill on the final lap when I pulled slightly ahead and started to catch the 2 runners in front. Stayed with them until the end, with me finishing between the 2 in a sprint finish. Clocked 26:27 after running laps of 8:29, 9:00 and 8:58. Very similar to last year (26:22 with splits of 8:32, 9:01 and 8:49). Definitely felt Thursday's hills still in my legs today but pleased to crank out another race.

Beautiful day today - warm, clear and no wind. Had a great time.


  1. Good run Tom. I have a Silver medal for you. You were 2nd in the 35-39 age group behind Scott Westcott. I'll take it to Lane Cove next week.

  2. Well done Tom!
    Agree being late for a race = horrendous!

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Great run Tom and a medal.I was meant to come down and run this race today but choose to run the king of the mountain 25km up at newcastle and managed a 3rd. See you at city to surf in a few weeks.

  4. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Well done Tom!
    agree bring late for a race = Amateur............
