Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday easy

Out at 6am for a very easy run solo for a change. 24.4km in 1:48:28 (4:26's) around and about generally near Dee Why. Reached the top of Long Reef just as the sun was rising (probably spoiling the moment for a romantic couple wrapped in a snuggie hugging on the rock, especially when I cleared my nose). Magic morning though - calm, cold but crystal clear - one of those days you enjoy being out there.


  1. Looking good Tom and a top effort on yesterdays session. all set for next Sunday now, I've loaded up on you for the sub 2.40 (easy) and i could become your new neighbour with the ammount i am set to win :)Got the double going as well with Mikey Conway over Kanser.

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Wish I could get in on your sub-2:40 bet. It's a gimme with your last 12 weeks training mileage and times. What I will be most interested in will be watching you, JB and Ray duel it out. Cheers JF

  3. Looks good for 2:32 tom

  4. Take nothing for granted in the marathon. Surprised you ran so far today, hope it doesn't eat into your energy reserves....

  5. Cheers Gents. JF, you forget Andy. He's running very well and has more experience over the distance than all of us.
