Friday, June 17, 2011

City Mile Dash

Wildman was excited. The emails started arriving at 8.30am. Durante and I wanted to pull out, Wildman wanted us to run with the elites. Tucks said he was tired. Wildman said he was feeling great. Sauntered over at 12 noon with Durante and Tucks, arrived to find Wildman buzzing around the registration tent telling us he'd already put us in the elites and we'd only have to run once to count towards the team award so we reluctantly agreed.

Then bumped into JF, JB, Pete W, Rob, Enda, Eoin, Eamo, the CBA and MBL girls teams from Singapore which almost made it a reunion. Had the world's longest warm up. Got incredibly nervous. And we were off. And then I finished. A mile really isn't a very long way. Planned to sit behind Tucks which I did to start with but then felt good so pushed on. At the half way turn Wildman and Hugh Williams (World Cross Country Rep) plus some stranger (Mitch Dean - turns out he's a former pro-triathlete) were about 20m in front and I was in fourth, feeling good and as though I was running away from the rest. Then I hit the wind. Then Tucks came past. Then something looking like Zebedee came past which turned out to be Durante. Legs were feeling slightly jelly like at this stage. Tried to stick with them but to no avail, Tucks finishing his customary 4 seconds in front and Durante 3 seconds. Results here. I can't run a mile in 4:23 so I think it was closer to 1500m. Wildman of course won. I don't think Ryan Gregson would have beaten him today he was that gee-ed up.

With 4 in the top 6 we won the team prize by a country mile. $260 worth of Mizuno shoes, $240 worth of Alanic sportswear and a load of other goodies so not bad for 4 mins of effort.

Everyone proceeded to cough up a lung afterwards. I don't think we do enough lung busting stuff.


  1. Congrats Tom on a solid effort from you and the HuRTS boys, although not sure of a fat Italian Spaghetti muncher Durante beating you when he hasn't trained for 18 months?

  2. Great Work Tom!
    Was that prize shared or between you?
    We used to call chasing prizes 'Pot Hunting' - that was a nice pot either way.

  3. Shared or your share!

  4. Not shared mate, we each got $500 worth in total. Actually, Steve got $1,000 worth as he picked up the same prize for the win too.

  5. Great run Tom. Sounds like 1500m with your track PB at 4:17. Prizes were worth missing lunch for.

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Great run Tom.

    How good was Luke Beuchat 4:36 just 2 seconds behind JB. If that guy ever focussed on running he would be dangerous

