Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long run with the Manly Boys

Up for a 6am start with Sam and Quentin. Took 2 Voltaren last night to get through the run and the heel was painless. Voltaren is the best drug in the world. And so small. Kirst could have slipped two into my mashed potato last night and I wouldn't even have noticed. I'm going to have to take some rest. Legs are far too tight and continually running on them just makes the achilles sore. I'm doing a load of stretches which works temporarily but feel as though I need to give them a rest to recover.

In saying all that, today's run was a monster. The boys went off at their usual pace. I felt great throughout and the time flew with plenty of conversation. Big Sam started to put the hammer down at 23km and we did the next 10km in under 40 mins. Timmy and MC - try and stick with him next week at your peril. The big guy is flying and I'm predicting a low 34.

All up 36.02km in 2:30:47 (4:11's). Another 6km at the same pace and it would be a 2:57 marathon.


  1. Low 34s eh for BS ?...Well that's to fast for me, Mikey Conway may be able to stay with him the way he is travelling though.
    Whats your early prediction and plans for next Saturdays race ?

  2. I've been living on voltaren 50mg's the last 6 years, even my dealer is starting to get concerned.

  3. 2:57? I hope you'll be running faster than me at Gold Coast. I reckon 2:35 for you.
