Thursday, May 19, 2011

HuRTS Pyramid

Showed up today expecting a small crowd of maybe 2 or 3 and so was shocked to see a hoard of runners congregated near the Art Gallery. Tucks, Bartles, JB, JC, JF, Enda, Ray, Andy, Dom, Sam, LF Charlie and a whole host of others. Plans for an easy session were immediately aborted.

Reps went as follows:

80, 2:42, 4:08, 5:36, 4:06, 2:42, 76

5:36 for the long rep is 3:03 pace. So comparable to the best I've done (11th Dec '08). Nice and consistent though, and as Tucks said, that's the game. This coming from the metronome of the running world.

Legs felt pretty sluggish at the start of each rep but I tended to find something about half way through and finished them all alongside Tucks with Bartles a couple of yards back. Tough session mind.

11km all up. Need a longer one tomorrow to find the 100km this week.

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