Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HuRTS Progressive Tempo

Crowd of thousands today, we even had 4 girls (Ainee, Emma and Laura from MBL and Anna) but some more usual faces like Rich, LF Charlie, JF, Terence, MC, Tucks, Andy, Wildman, Sam and the Chairman. Tucks, Wildman and the Chairman immediately went to the front and I started running with TB. I just had no energy to go with the front boys, the weekend's efforts having caught up on me. Turned under the second bridge still with TB and immediately put some effort in. Caught JF, Rich and Andy at CQ at the same time that Tucks, Wildman and the Chairman caught me. They were flying. From then on I ran with Rich all the way back. Final gate to gate in 10:09 and got back in 44:54 (12.6km). Average pace of 3:33's but I was running tired. Think I'll take tomorrow easy rather than the 19km marathon stretches and try to recover.

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