Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HuRTS 5min reps

Big crowd, most taking it easy post SMH Half. Cool but beautifully sunny day. Perfect running conditions. Took all the reps easy trying not to overdo it. Chatted variously to Ray, Tucks, Quentin, MC, Laura, Aine, JB, JF, JC, Sam, as I say, loads were there. Other than Young Timmy of course. Last seen wandering down Wembley Way with a bottle of Jameson Irish...

Kids School X-Country today. Bec came 2nd and will be going to District which was brilliant given she's had the last 2 weeks off school having had her tonsils out. Billy unfortunately came 7th (top 6 go to District) having been pipped on the line just like his Dad. He was gutted. He was racing against boys in Year 4 though (he's in Year 2) so will have plenty of chances in the future.

1 comment:

  1. hey well done Tom on Sunday's race, must have been my pacing duties that got you over the line 3 seconds ahead of me :)
    You'll be happy to hear i have put on another 8 kilos on 8 days and now i am worried even Kanser might beat me ?
