Thursday, April 28, 2011

One Rep Wonder

Wowsers. Rocked up to one of the biggest HuRTS turnouts ever, at least for a Thursday, for the Gate to Gates off 5 mins. We were graced with the presence of CT, and with Bartles, Clyde, Fast Charlie, Dicky H, JF, Andy, Young Timmy, Ray and others backing up, there were plenty in support. Nick from Singapore showed up as well as Manly runners Dicky G and Sam.

With the race on Saturday, a bad head cold and 3 days of decent runs behind me, I didn't want to push hard today. So I sat in the middle of the pack staring at Young Timmy's unfortunately bare back and knocked out each rep between 2:55 and 2:57 (3:13 to 3:15 pace) feeling pretty comfortable. Got a bit excited on the final rep and tried to keep CT honest only to have Ray come flying by me and steal my thunder. Legs started to buckle a bit in the middle but managed to hold it together to finish the rep in 2:35 (2:51 pace).

Jog down after for 11kms all up.


  1. Homebush Striders might be a bun fight at the front or are this lot just flexing for smh half?

  2. One Rep Wonder? ..... Geez i thought Kanser's blog was back up and running for one minute then :)
