Thursday, April 07, 2011

HuRTS 10 x 400m

Small turnout becuase we were doing some speed work. Honestly, the HuRT Squad don't live up to their name. Bunch of pussies. They're all more interested in Ultra Marathons and Triathlons. 10 x 400m is painful, both mentally and physically, if you do it properly. It's much easier to run 150km a week than do 2 VO2 Max sessions a week.

So the hardy bunch were myself, Wildman, Bartles, Young Timmy, JC, chap called Tim and Anton from UBS. Marked out the 400m (always slightly dodgy when going around an Oval) and set off. Reps went as follows:

66, 68, 66, 67, 67, 68, 68, 69, 68, 70

I normally finish the second half stronger than the first, but not today as the reps were solid from the word go chasing Wildman and trying to stay in front of Bartles. I reckon the lap was about 2s short despite what the Garmin says. I came last on the final rep, when the legs were just goooone. Wildman was about 2-3 seconds ahead on each, looking very strong, but blasted out a 61 on the final rep. Pleased to have stayed in the front of Bartles, the 800m specialist, on each rep other than the last, despite him taking "the Kanser line". Young Timmy will know what I mean. Speaking of which, Young Timmy was like a Kenyan today, popping up with the odd 67 interspersed with a couple of 82s.....

10km all up. Nice to do some speed.


  1. Fully agree with you about the VO2 max sessions being harder than a long run and just running mileage. Endurance and fatigue from the long events are a different challenge but nothing hurts like a 10km race at full speed.

  2. How many secs recovery between each 400?

  3. Hey Matt - been watching your great form continue. Good luck for the 10km this w/e. They were off a rolling 2 min cycle, i.e. about 50s recovery.
