Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hard 10km

Felt very average over the past 24 hours (sore throat and joint aches) and was in two minds whether to do today's session but told myself just to give the first few kms a go and see how I felt. This is my 4th hard 10km on a Saturday in a row and feel as though I'm starting to feel some benefit. Finished in 35:04 after turning in 17:42. Felt great between 6 and 8km but struggled up the hill in the 9th km. Splits:

3:37, 3:33, 3:26, 3:35, 3:29, 3:34, 3:22, 3:32, 3:35, 3:19.

1 comment:

  1. Good running Tom, Wish i could get some of those times you do in training for my 10k races :)
    Good luck in the JP for Thursday - Nothing less then a victory over Charlie Low will suffice for the legion of fans.
