Tuesday, April 26, 2011

15km Easy Hard

Something Tiger mentioned in his blog a couple of weeks ago resonated - trying to increase the average pace of the weekly mileage. Every time I run slow my achilles feels worse, so I'm going to try to include a bit of quality into every session I do.

Today was the 15km route running alternate kms easy and hard. Turned out to be an easyish session as you obviously spend longer running easy than hard, yet it was a good way to cover 15km relatively quickly. The easy kms end up being quicker than normal as you never fully slow down but they still feel like a recovery. Splits were as follows:

4:30, 3:39, 4:09, 3:23, 4:09, 3:30, 4:12, 3:32, 4:09, 3:48, 4:29, 3:25, 4:25, 3:34, 4:10, 1:11 (3:40 pace).

All up 15.33km in 1:00:23 (3:56 pace). The outlying 3:48 was up the hill at the back of Shelley Beach.


  1. You're an animal, 35km's fartlek in 2 days!

    I actually gave up on worrying about the average km pace. I decided keeping easy runs easy, and hitting appropriate targets in sessions was more appropriate for me.

  2. Rookie mistake Tom. Most people do their easy days too hard and their hard days too easy.
