Thursday, March 03, 2011

Viva BrisVegas!

Couldn't fit in Hurt Squad in rushing to get to the airport (which I was secretly relieved about as I was feeling a bit tired and sore this morning) so arrived at the Sofitel in Brisbane, got Maps out on the iPad and searched for a run route. Remembered someone mentioning Mt Coot-tha on a thread on Coolrunning once so decided to get down to the river, stick to it and then head up to Mt Coot-tha. Worked perfectly. But bloody he'll, Brissy is humid. It's like Sydney on steroids. My vest has never been more sodden than when I got back. All up 14.3km in about 65mins (4:29's).

Wahey Benny!

How good is that! Way beyond all expectations! That is world class.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Funny you mention humidity, I did a speed session in Gold Coast on Tuesday and the humidity was ridiculous as well. Felt like there was no oxygen getting to my lungs from the word go on every rep. Must be a QLD thing. Jonathan

  2. Yeah humidity has been outrageous for last few days. You up for Roo+Lake?
    Have to be quite early as our Lily has an 8th Birthday party on Sat.

  3. Dave, realistically I don't think I'll be able to get out. Got an earlyish start at the retreat on Sat, but more relevantly, think I'll probably be having a few beers tonight...
