Monday, March 07, 2011

Usual Monday

15.8km in 70:23. Very easy on the way out and picking up a bit on the way back. Decent size crowd today with Luke, King James, Craig, Brendan, Laura, Ray etc. and, wait for it, Durante!! Couldn't Adam and Eve it when I got an email from Tigger asking if I was running today. He cut short for a meeting after circling the Opera House on the way back but we were well ahead of the others by that stage so I plodded home alone.


  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Hey Tom,
    Ben here, I was part of the UBS crew in NY for the JPMorgan challenge. I got back here after 2 years in Paris, would you be able to put me on the Hurts distribution list?

  2. Tom, I've got a solution for your ankle and bursars. You should try this:

    Tell me what you think.

  3. Ben - good to see you back! I've added you to the list but emails come just once a week these days.

    Jamie - read your post the other day. Don't think I need to be that extreme yet. Tried the old Voltaren gel and cling film last night and it worked a treat.
